by Dr Orest Szczurko, ND, MSc
With the holidays behind us, and the long winter ahead, it’s a good idea to get back to a healthy lifestyle which includes proper exercise.
But what is the best exercise for weight loss?
A study just published in JAMA sheds further light on this question (1).

The researchers conducted a meta-analysis of 116 randomized clinical trials throughout the world, involving 6880 adults, with an average age of 46 years, 61% women. The trials compared supervised aerobic exercise (walking or running) for at least 8 weeks, vs sedentary or continued usual activities in controls.
The intensity of exercise was defined as: Light (40%-55% maximum heart rate), moderate (55%-70% maximum heart rate), and vigorous (70%-90% maximum heart rate).
The study found a 1.14 lb reduction for every 30 minutes of aerobic exercise per week over at least 8 weeks. Every 30 minutes of aerobic exercise per week was also associated with a lower waist circumference of -0.56cm, lower body fat percentage of -0.37%, and lower body fat mass of -0.20 kg.
The best loss of body fat was with 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week. While body weight and waist circumference reduced linearly with increasing duration of aerobic exercise. Meaning, the optimal amount of exercise for body fat loss was 150 minutes per week, 5 times per week in 30 minute increments. While the more study participants exercised, the more body weight and waist circumference was reduced overall.
While this study shows that aerobic exercise for 30 minutes 5 times per week is best for body fat and weight loss, in clinic we often also recommend muscle building exercise (as that helps with balance, aging, sugar and cholesterol) and intense exercise of short duration (as appropriate for patients). Of course, diet also plays a huge role in weight loss and health overall, including the timing of meals and proper fasting.
Please do not hesitate to contact Dr Orest at or Dr Viktoriya for a through health weight loss workup and plan.
- Jayedi A, Soltani S, Emadi A, Zargar M, Najafi A. Aerobic Exercise and Weight Loss in Adults: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis. JAMA Netw Open. 2024;7(12):e2452185. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.52185